Employer #1 Information
Employer #2 Information
Employer #3 Information
Bayside Grille / Bayside Sunset Bar is a Drug-Free workplace. We are an equal opportunity employer seeking the best qualified personnel without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or on any other basis made unlawful by either state or federal law.
By entering my Full Name below, I affirm that all information in this application is true and complete. Any misrepresentation, false statement, or omission of facts called for shall be grounds for refusal of employment or if hired, dismissal from employment. I understand that any violation of company rules, policies, standards, and/or procedures shall be grounds for dismissal. I agree to conform to the rules, policies, standards and regulations of Bayside Grille / Bayside Sunset Bar or myself, and I understand that any offer of employment is contingent upon my providing legal forms of identification, documenting my rights to work and passing a drug test. I understand that employment is subject to a 90 day probation period. These policies cannot be changed except in writing.